Latest News about Digital India Platform (DIP)

logo Benefits of Digital India Platform (DIP) for Government & Citizen

Government Agencies

Digitized data extracts generated by DIP will help your organization to:
  1. Index your document images by using the data extracts as meta-data tags
  2. Manage, retrieve and access your document images more efficiently through keyword based search
  3. Use the data extract as automated data inputs in your IT applications avoiding manual data entry
  4. Safeguard against physical disasters by replicating the data across different media and locations
  5. Digitally archive the documents saving space and costs

Digital Contributor

  1. Redeem your rewards to generate additional earnings
  2. Utilize your available time for a meaningful purpose
  3. Enhance your IT skills
  4. Increase your employability opportunities
  5. Get recognized as a Digital Contributor
  6. Earn certificate as a Data Entry Operator
  7. Contribute in the building of Digital India

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