360Track Apps

360Track Apps - Unique Platform for Parents and Educational Institutes.

A large number of parents are now a part of 9-6 work culture. The busy lifestyle has created a large communication gap between parents & teachers. Parents are worried about security of their child and day-to-day academic progress, whereas Educational Institutes are under pressure of academics and compliances. Therefore, precise communication is a big challenge faced by Parents as well as Educational Institutes.

360Track, as a complete solution, helps parents and educational institutes to be on the same platform and communicate seamlessly with each other. 360Track mobile app keeps parents updated about their child's academic progress and related information including Attendance, Class Routines, Exams & Marks, Homework, Study Material, Library, Important Notices, etc. Parent can access all this information anywhere, anytime and that to on their smartphones.

360Track has been installed between 18537 times by users and has an average rating of 5 in Google apps store.

360Track app has been reviewed by 4 Users and 4 users have rated 5 stars. 360Track app size  10MB and can be installed on any Android device running version 4.0 and up.

Apps Name 360Track
Apps Developed 360Track Systems Education 
Total Installs 18537
Apps Size 10MB
Android Supported Version 4.0 and up
Average Rating 5
Apps Last Updated On 30-Jun-16
Play Store Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.track360.systems&hl=eg
Reviewed on 7-Oct-16

Download 360Track App, Unique Platform for Parents and Educational Institutes.