New IRCTC - Advance Booking Date Calculator

Indian Railway Reservation Period Calculator an updated version.

Latest IRCTC  - Advance Reservation Period (ARP)

People most of the time get confused with the booking date when its opened for booking. Indian Railway has recently changed the advance booking period to 120 days and to be honest it bit difficult to track the dates when the booking open.

We have designed simple calculator wherein you would just need to enter the travel date and the calculator will provide you on the day when the booking is open.

The Ministry of Railways have decided to increase the Advance Reservation Period (ARP) for booking accomodation in trains from 60 days to 120 days (excluding the day of journey). Accordingly, w.e.f 1st April, 2015 the booking in trains from train originating stations will open and remain available for 120 days. For instance, as on 01.04.2015, for trains leaving on 28th July 2015, the reservation can be obtained for journey commencing on all days between 01.04.2015 upto 28.07.2015.

There will, however be no change in the case of certain day time Express trains like Taj Express, Gomti Express, Special trains etc, where lower time limits for advance reservation are at present in force. There will also be no change in the case of the limit of 360 days provided for foreign tourists

Official Railway Circular