Why Porn sites are blocked in India?

DOT Order Blocking 857 Websites on Grounds of Decency and Morality

Department of Telecommunication order blocking 857 websites on grounds of morality and decency, claiming powers under section 79(3)(b) of the Information Technology Act.

What's is written in Section 79?

Section 79 and the IT Rules: Privatising censorship in India

What's in 79(3)

(3) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall not apply if —

(a) the intermediary has conspired or abetted or aided or induced, whether by threats or promise or otherwise in the commission of the unlawful act;

(b) upon receiving actual knowledge, or on being notified by the appropriate Government or its agency that any information, data or communication link residing in or connected to a computer resource controlled by the intermediary is being used to commit the unlawful act, the intermediary fails to expeditiously remove or disable access to that material on that resource without vitiating the evidence in any manner.

Explanation: For the purposes of this section, the expression “third party information” means any information dealt with by an intermediary in his capacity as an intermediary.

Source:  http://cis-india.org/internet-governance/resources/dot-morality-block-order-2015-07-31/view