Box8 - Food Delivery

Box8 - Food Delivery Apps

We keep one simple thing in mind when we make our food - we only serve food, that we love to eat. Believing in product innovation, we have designed the All-in-One meal box, which fulfills new-age Indian meal, convenient to eat anytime, anywhere. We have given an interesting twist to Wraps, Sandwiches & Salads with a fusion of Indian & western flavors & have the most authentic, indigenous taste in Biryani & Curries

Box8 - Food Delivery has been installed between 100,000 - 500,000 times by users and has an average rating of 3.6 in Google apps store.

Box8 - Food Delivery app has been reviewed by 7831 Users and 3513 users have rated 5 stars. Box8 - Food Delivery app size  10MB and can be installed on any Android device running version 4.0.3 and up.

Apps Name Box8 - Food Delivery
Apps Developed Box8 Shopping 
Total Installs 100,000 - 500,000
Apps Size 10MB
Android Supported Version 4.0.3 and up
Average Rating 3.6
Apps Last Updated On September 28, 2016
Play Store Link
Reviewed on 24-Oct-16

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