CracKIT Apps

CracKIT help needy TechFreaks to crack their interviews and excel in all the fields by gaining valuable knowledge about technologies like Java, Android, SQL, PHP and also to enhance their HR skills by guiding them to crack Personal Interviews. So get ready for vast technical knowledge and Quick tips to excel in this field. Features Of CracKIT: Covers Most of Interview questions, Text-to-Speech Feature added, Clears basic knowledge of Technical Languages, User-friendly UI & Helps to develop HR skills.

CracKIT has been installed between 100 - 500 times by users and has an average rating of 4.8 in Google apps store.

CracKIT app has been reviewed by 61 Users and 54 users have rated 5 stars.  CracKIT app size Varies from device to device and can be installed on any Android device running version 3.2 and up.

Apps Name CracKIT
Apps Developed Prathamesh Malvankar Education 
Current Version 1
Total Installs 100 - 500
Apps Size Varies from device to device
Android Supported Version 3.2 and up
Average Rating 4.8
Apps Last Updated On 4-Sep-16
Play Store Link
Reviewed on 3-Jan-17

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