Taxi Driver Income Calculator

Ola, Uber, Fast Track, NTL & UTOO Taxi Driver Income Calculator

There are plenty of calculator and fare estimate calculation tools available for the consumers, however there is no tool to calculate Ola, Uber, Fast Track, NTL & UTOO drivers income and also the incentive.  Youth Apps Provides the first version of call taxi drivers calculator which calculate the trip charges and the split to the service provider like Ola, Uber, Fast Track, NTL & UTOO. 

Ola, Uber, Fast Track, NTL & UTOO has different was to motivate their drivers and they set certain targets for each of them and this keep changing.  This Call Taxi Driver Income calculator helps the drivers to calculate how much they would earn in day and also what is the split up of their income to Ola, Uber, Fast Track, NTL & UTOO service provider.

The calculation are only should be taken as an indicator as there are different calculation applied by the Ola, Uber, Fast Track, NTL & UTOO service provider which we may not be aware of. This calculator or the value should NOT be used for any arbitration or for any legal hold.  This is only for educative purpose.

We are not responsible for any loses/damage incurred due to referring this information.  If you have any suggestion or calculation modification, please send an email to