WhoseWhere Mobile App

WhoseWhere Apps

Lets look at a useful phone app called WhoseWhere. This app has been released by Jason Caggiano Social. The app description in Google Play read as "WhoseWhere is an app where you can see other WhoseWhere users that will be attending the same venue, event, festival as you on that particular selected date. It allows you to talk through the app with these users before arriving at that venue. You can see other users that are staying at certain hotels and book accordingly"

The main features for the users are:
  • Allows users to see what venues are going to be busy and what is happening at that venue
  • Allows users to see other users that will be attending the same venue, festival as them on their selected date.
  • Allows users to socialise with others using the app in real time and chat and get to know one another before getting to that venue.
  • Allows users to plan their holidays months in advance, talk to people that live in that location or that will be travelling to that location at the same time as them.

WhoseWhere has been installed between 42740 times by users at the time of this review and has an average rating of 5 in Google apps store.

WhoseWhere app has been reviewed by 19 Users and 19 users have rated 5 stars.  WhoseWhere app size varies from device to device and can be installed on any Android device running version 4.0.3 and up.

Apps Name
Apps Developed
Jason Caggiano Social
Apps Size
varies from device to device
4.0.3 and up
Average Rating
Apps Last Updated On
Reviewed on

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