Beat Maker - Rhythm Game Mobile App

Beat Maker - Rhythm Game Mobile App

Download the Beat Maker - Rhythm Game useful mobile app.  This app has been released by GismartMusic & Audio . Mobile Apps Developer of Beat Maker - Rhythm Game has described the features as,This is Beat Maker, an ultimate drum pad game app that gives you the opportunity to have fun, perform beats and play amazing music tracks on the go.

Turn your music experience into something really fun - tap drum pads timely and enjoy beats with multiple effects right away. Compete with others and become the best player!
Make hot beats and music easily while playing games with Beat Maker. Enjoy awesome tracks from our game library. 
The library offers the most recent tracks in different genres: 
- Trap 
- Dubstep 
- Drum-n-Bass
- Rave
- Hip-Hop and more!
Get the most out of Beat Maker:
- Entertaining and useful interactive game will help to improve listening skills and play rhythm patterns accurately.
- The possibility to unlock new challenges after completion of the previous ones will give you a smooth gaming experience.
- High-quality tracks are made by professional sound producers and dedicated EDM musicians. This partnership helps us keep the app up-to-date and provides you with even better stuff on a regular basis!
- Compete with friends and other users for the highest score in the leaderboard!
Beat Maker app is fairly fun for players of all levels and easy-to-use for beginners! This music game contains only useful and awesome features — just start the app and feel the magic of beat making!
Follow our interactive tutorial and plunge into striking beat making game right now!
It’s time to drop some beats!

Beat Maker - Rhythm Game has been installed between 50,000+ times by users at the time of this review and has an average rating of 4 in Google apps store.

Beat Maker - Rhythm Game app has been reviewed by 369 Users, which is around 0.00738% of total installed.  Beat Maker - Rhythm Game app size 24M and can be installed on any Android device running version 5.0 and up.
Apps Name
Beat Maker - Rhythm Game
Apps Developed
GismartMusic & Audio
Apps Size
5.0 and up
Average Rating
Apps Last Updated On
Reviewed on
Content Rating
Rated for 3+

Download Beat Maker - Rhythm Game app apk for free