Very effective Meditation Mobile app from Vipassana, its more than 2500 years

Download & Install Vipassana Meditation Mobile App

Download & Install Vipassana Meditation Mobile App
Download the Vipassana Meditation useful mobile app.  This app has been released by Vipassana Research Institute Health & Fitness. Mobile Apps Developer of Vipassana Meditation has described the features as, Vipassana Research Institute (VRI), a non-profit-making body, was established in 1985 with the principal aim of conducting scientific research into the sources and applications of the Vipassana Meditation Technique.

It is a technique of observation and exploration of the mind-body phenomena. The technique leads to purification of mind and can bring about a major transformation in the attitude and behavioural pattern of an individual and, through him, in the entire society.
It has a unique potential as an instrument for better education, health, organisation, management development and social change for strengthening the concept of secularism, national integration and international understanding.

From time to time, we all experience agitation, frustration and disharmony. When we suffer, we do not keep our misery limited to ourselves; instead, we keep distributing it to others. Certainly this is not a proper way to live. We all want to live peacefully within ourselves, and with those around us. After all, human beings are social beings: we have to live and interact with others. How, then, can we live peacefully? How, then, can we remain harmonious ourselves, and maintain peace and harmony around us?

Vipassana enables us to experience peace and harmony by purifying the mind, freeing it from suffering and the deep-seated causes of suffering. Step by step, the practice leads to the highest spiritual goal of full liberation from all mental defilements. Vipassana has been revived after a period of more than 2500 years.

Courses of Vipassana meditation started in India since 1969, however, initially, there was no separate institution to explore the theory part of the technique. The importance of establishing such an Institute was realized when Mr. S. N. Goenka, principal teacher of Vipassana meditation, began teaching courses on the Satipatthāna Sutta, a discourse in which the Buddha systematically explains the technique of Vipassana.

During the Satipatthāna courses, Goenkaji noticed students studying the words of the Buddha (pariyatti), were encouraged and filled with gratitude when applying them in their meditation practice (patipatti). They found their understanding and practice strengthened, owing to their experiential understanding of the Buddha’s words. Naturally, some of them felt inspired to undertake further study, and to provide this opportunity, the Vipassana Research Institute was established.

For decades now, the words of Goenkaji have inspired masses to not only get introduced to the technique but also to go deeper in their meditative practice. This app aims to make Vipassana Meditation instructions and media available globally to all so that all benefit from this wonderful technique. 

Vipassana Meditation has been installed between 5,000+ times by users at the time of this review and has an average rating of 4.8 in Google apps store.

Download & Install Vipassana Meditation Mobile App

Vipassana Meditation app has been reviewed by 57 Users, which is around 1.14% of total installed.  Vipassana Meditation app size 23M and can be installed on any Android device running version 4.4 and up.

Apps Name Vipassana Meditation
Apps Developed Vipassana Research Institute Health & Fitness
Current Version 2.01
Total Installs 5,000+
Apps Size 23M
Android Supported Version 4.4 and up
Average Rating 4.8
Apps Last Updated On December 2, 2019
Play Store Link
Reviewed on 16-Dec-19
Content Rating Rated for 3+

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