Hamraaz Mobile app for MP8 of Indian Army
This was developed exclusively for serving soldiers of the Indian Army by the technical team of Army jawans (Adjutant General's Branch (MP-8)) for communication of their service and pay-related information to them on their mobile phones. This app cannot be used by civilians. The new version 7.0 was uploaded on 10 Feb 2022, with a fixation on specific bugs noticed earlier.
There is also a web version for the Hamraaz mobile app if the users are not able to access on mobile, etc. Army Jawans can visit https://hamraazmp8.gov.in/ for accessing the website of Hamraaz. This site provides information about the latest advisory for Army Jawans along with Pay Calculator to work out beneficial options for fixation of Pay on Promotion/MACP in respect of JCOs & OR.
Amry Jawans can also Access the survey on the management of retirement benefits being conducted by IIM, Bangalore on behalf of the Indian Army.
We don't want our users to access the wrong link and download the wrong mobile app. So we request you to visit this website https://hamraazmp8.gov.in/ and download the original mobile app of Hamraaz MP8