Quick Comparison between Android & iOS Phone features

Android features that are not available on iOS phones

Quick Comparison between Android & iOS Phone

iOS and Android are two completely different operating systems, and only one of them can be the best, in this content you will know some features of Android that do not have in the iPhone. 

  • OS Customization: Those who use Android devices have a huge selection of themes, icons, and ways to customize their interface. On the other hand, Apple lovers do not have this function.
  • App cloning: Google's operating system allows you to create copies of the same application. In this way, different accounts of a social network can be used at the same time without having to leave the other. This is ideal for those who have a profile for work and other personal.
  • Modify the startup apps: On Android mobiles, the startup applications can be modified to each person's preference.
  • Access to USB data: There are adapters that allow users to connect their devices to a pen drive or hard drive. However, Androids are compatible with these devices, while the iPhone is not.
  • Have different accounts on the same device: Android smartphones allow users to connect multiple accounts from the same device.
  • Free applications that are paid on iOS: In the Play Store there is a wide variety of applications that are free, but on iOS devices, they are paid.
  • Installation of applications outside the Play Store: Although this 'advantage' is not recommended for security reasons, it can be useful for those who are looking for an application that they know is safe, and that is not available in the Play Store. 

After seeing the differences between iOS and Android, which operating system would you stay with??