toluene to benzyl alcohol

toluene to benzyl alcohol

The conversion of toluene to benzyl alcohol involves a two-step process:

Step 1: Oxidation of Toluene to Benzyl Benzoate

The first step is the oxidation of toluene to benzyl benzoate, which can be accomplished using a variety of methods. One common method is to react toluene with sodium benzoate and an oxidizing agent such as potassium permanganate in the presence of a catalyst like manganese dioxide. The reaction can be carried out in a solvent such as water or acetic acid. The equation for this reaction is:

toluene + sodium benzoate + KMnO4 → benzyl benzoate + NaOH + MnO2 + H2O

Step 2: Reduction of Benzyl Benzoate to Benzyl Alcohol

The second step is the reduction of benzyl benzoate to benzyl alcohol. This can be achieved using a reducing agent such as sodium borohydride or lithium aluminum hydride in the presence of a solvent like ethanol or methanol. The equation for this reaction is:

benzyl benzoate + NaBH4 → benzyl alcohol + NaBO2 + H2

Overall, the conversion of toluene to benzyl alcohol can be summarized as:

toluene + sodium benzoate + KMnO4 → benzyl benzoate + NaOH + MnO2 + H2O

benzyl benzoate + NaBH4 → benzyl alcohol + NaBO2 + H2

It is worth noting that this is a multistep process that requires careful handling of potentially hazardous chemicals. It is important to have appropriate training and experience in chemical synthesis before attempting this reaction.