The World Artificial Intelligence Organisation Body (WAIO)

Proposal for World Artificial Intelligence Organization Body (WAIO) similar to World Health Organization

The World Artificial Intelligence Organisation Body (WAIO)

There is a lot to be gained from AI, and the field is progressing rapidly. Some of the risks and challenges brought by AI include ethical concerns, bias, and the loss of jobs. As a result, the development and deployment of AI necessitate oversight from a global regulatory body. The World Artificial Intelligence Organisation Body (WAIO) would operate similarly to the WHO in terms of global public health regulation. In this proposal, we outline the rationale for, objectives for, and benefits of WAIO.

Structure of the World Artificial Intelligence Organisation Body (WAIO):

Like the World Health Organisation (WHO), WAIO would be a UN specialised organisation with a broad mandate to encourage the responsible development and use of AI worldwide. Its headquarters would be in a strategic location, preferably in a major metropolitan area with a vibrant artificial intelligence (AI) research and development scene. An Executive Director would be in charge of WAIO and report to a governing body made up of delegates from member states, both of whom would be chosen by the UN Secretary-General.

Objectives of World Artificial Intelligence Organisation Body (WAIO):

To ensure that AI is created and deployed in a way that maximises its benefits for humanity while minimising its risks, WAIO would have this as its major purpose. WAIO would set a number of particular objectives in order to accomplish this.

  • Create and spread data privacy, bias reduction, and transparency rules for AI development and use.
  • Keep an eye on and evaluate how AI is affecting the world around us.
  • Help researchers, developers, and policymakers in artificial intelligence throughout the world work together.
  • Encourage the research and development of AI tools that can mitigate issues like climate change, poverty, and inequality.
  • Help governments who are lacking the resources and skills to design and implement AI policy by providing them with technical help and capacity building.

Benefits of World Artificial Intelligence Organisation Body (WAIO):

The world as a whole would reap several benefits from WAIO being established. Among these advantages are:

  • Protecting human welfare while maximising the potential benefits of artificial intelligence.
  • encouraging nations to work together on artificial intelligence projects.
  • Getting ahead of the curve on artificial intelligence research that can aid in solving worldwide problems.
  • Building public trust and confidence in AI technology through the establishment of ethical norms for their creation and application.
  • Helping nations establish their own capabilities and providing them with the resources they need to create and implement AI policy.

The hazards and difficulties posed by AI's rapid advancement are substantial. Therefore, a worldwide organisation is required to monitor the ethical growth and application of AI. The proposed World Artificial Intelligence Organisation (WAIO) would serve as a hub for global AI research and development collaboration, while also pushing for the establishment of responsible AI practises. The establishment of WAIO would have far-reaching positive effects on society as a whole, paving the way for the responsible and safe advancement and application of artificial intelligence.
