Testing of originality.ai along with results

Outcome of Using originality.ai tool for finding the AI written content

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We have been testing the originality.ai tool for last few months for finding the AI written content by our freelancing community. We need to accept that our great freelancing community has given us wonderful content every time and we ended up in decreasing the point which we had to test the content within Originality.ai.

This also shows how originality.ai is accurate in predicting the content which was created by AI.  The probability legend is a great feature and it give us an inside on how much the content is human or AI. 

We asked Chat GPT & Google Brad to write about originality.ai and then tested the content within originality.ai app and we were not surprised with the results as it did detect the content as AI written.

Chat GPT Writeup about originality.ai

Chat GPT Writeup about originality.ai

Google Brad Writeup about originality.ai

Google Brad Writeup about originality.ai

originality.ai results about Chat GPT & Google Brad

originality.ai results about chat gpt, google brad

Positive Results about this content we have written on originality.ai

Positive Results about this content from originality.ai

If you are looking for an efficient tool which help you to deduct the AI written content, then you can go for originality.ai as its very promising.  Our above test results are very encouraging due to the effective in finding the original and ai written content. Check out originality.ai for more information.