Speedometer - speed meter Mobile App

Speedometer - speed meter Mobile App

Download the Speedometer - speed meter useful mobile app.  This app has been released by apps 4 lifeTools . Mobile Apps Developer of Speedometer - speed meter has described the features as,You can use this speedometer while cycling, driving , walking or running. When it connects to the satellites it will give you an accurate overview. GPS has to be enabled for this application to work. The more GPS satelites connected to your phone, the more accurate this speedometer gets.

Features of this speed meter:
- Max speed
- Average speed
- Distance traveled
- Time
- Accuracy
- Number of satellites connected
- Start/pause functionality
- Automatically detect stop time
- Miles per hour or kilometers per hour
Disclaimer: Don't use this application as your speedometer in traffic. Always follow local law.
This application is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0
This application is open source and based on 

Speedometer - speed meter has been installed between 5,000+ times by users at the time of this review and has an average rating of 2.3 in Google apps store.

Speedometer - speed meter app has been reviewed by 3 Users, which is around 0.0006% of total installed.  Speedometer - speed meter app size 1.8M and can be installed on any Android device running version 4.1 and up.
Apps Name
Speedometer - speed meter
Apps Developed
apps 4 lifeTools
Apps Size
4.1 and up
Average Rating
Apps Last Updated On
Reviewed on
Content Rating
Rated for 3+

Download Speedometer - speed meter app apk for free